Based on the novel by Natalie Baszile and brought to life by award-winning filmmaker Ava DuVernay, Queen Sugar is an acclaimed drama. The show follows the Bordelon siblings, who are fighting to save their family’s legacy amid their personal issues and social issues that have plagued their Louisiana town. 

With Season 1 of Queen Sugar showcasing the aftermath of their father’s death and the demise of Charley’s (Dawn-Lyen Gardner) marriage, the Bordelons have gone through quite a lot. Nova (Rutina Wesley), a journalist and activist, has found superstardom with her new book, but she’s more strained from her family than ever before. 

Ralph Angel (Kofi Sirboe) is trying to raise his young son while making a name for himself outside of his sisters’ shadows. Then there is the matriarch, Aunt Violet (Rutina Wesley), who is finding her footing as a businesswoman while dealing with some health concerns. 

Season 5 of Queen Sugar is set to debut on OWN in 2021. The forthcoming season will chronicle Charley’s ongoing battle with the Landry family while her son Micah (Nicholas Ashe) navigates his first year at Xavier University. 

Nova is settling into an open romantic relationship with Calvin (Greg Vaughn) while stepping into the next phase of her career, and Ralph Angel and Darla (Bianca Lawson) are trying to work on themselves and their relationship for the sake of their son, Blue (Ethan Hutchison).

Before Season 5 premieres, Queen Sugar fans can catch up with the series on Hulu, which is currently the only streaming service to carry all four seasons of the show. Fans of OWN’s Greenleaf can catch the entire series on Netflix.