The KKK has a history of using racist and offensive tactics to recruit members and incite fear. For example, a couple of months ago, they sent around fliers in Florida threatening to harm black men who looked at white women.
This time, the fliers are being sent to small Virginia towns. According to The Washington Post, Washington, Virginia residents have been finding little plastic bags outside of their homes filled with bird seed and containing fliers with racist/anti-Semitic messages. About 50 to 60 plastic bags were found in the surrounding area.
One of the fliers contained Black Lives Matter insults and another said, “Jews and their synagogues of Satan.” The fliers listed the addresses and phone number for Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which is located in Pelham, North Carolina near the Virginia border.
“I thought it was kind of bizarre,” said one of the residents, Megan Smith. “Why are they just picking on Little Washington?”
“We don’t have gangs here, and we don’t need anything like this starting problems here,” said Rappahannock County Sheriff Connie Compton. “We are a quiet, quaint little area. I guess somebody is just trying to get people to join the Ku Klux Klan, but we don’t have these problems here and we don’t want them.” Compton also noted that she believes the birdseed was used so that the fliers wouldn't be blown away by the wind.
The North Carolina KKK chapter's "imperial wizard," Chris Barker has taken full credit for the campaign. “White people are being discriminated against, and the Jewish-controlled media is trying to make us feel guilty,” said Barker. “Americans need to see there is another option. We are a civil rights organization for white people. We do not promote violence.”
Carla Hill, an investigator and expert on the Klan for the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism said the clan's membership is declining due to infighting and competition from other white supremacist groups.
“The Klan persists,” said Hill. “It’s the longest-standing terrorist organization in the United States. And the Loyal White Knights are actively distributing this material. But if you map where they do this, you can see that it is in clustered areas. This fliering is probably the work of a very limited number of individuals.
“They are still out there spreading hateful rhetoric,” Hill continued, “but they can see that they’re not accepted and appreciated by the vast majority of Americans, and then the activism wanes.”