Leona Coakely-Spring, owner of From Rags to Riches consignment shop in Redmond, Washington was shaken last Wednesday after a KKK robe was dropped off at her store.

According to Seattle Times, the man attempted to sell clothes to Coakley-Spring in a “nice and normal”manner before anything appeared “suspicious.”
It wasn’t until the unidentified man left the store that Coakley-Spring found the robe, a loose rope, and other clothing items inside the bag he’d left behind.
“The guy was so nice. I thought, ‘Oh, it’s a priest robe. I’m sure he didn’t mean to leave a priest robe,’” Coakley-Spring told Seattle Times.
Then I saw the hood, and the hood had two eyes cut out, and then it came to me: He’s from a hate group, and he wanted me to open that bag in front of him.
The robe features two patches resembling the blood-drop symbol associated with the KKK, although according to police spokeswoman Becky Range, detectives are still working to determine their meaning.
The man, believed to be white, around 25 years of age, and “5 feet 10, with an athletic build and brown hair,” has yet to be located.