As we are getting into the fall and winter seasons, now is the perfect time to think about a style refresh. eBay has launched Canal Street Wear, a retail experience with authentic streetwear and sneakers from top eBay sellers that are verified by eBay Authenticity Guarantee.
It would make sense for this to be located in the epicenter of fake clothing goods, Canal Street in New York City.

The merchandise was curated from sellers such as NYMilan, RIF and Soled Out Jersey City, and includes classics such as the Supreme Morrisey t-shirt, classic Off-White hoodie, Nike x COMME des GARÇONS sneakers, Aimé Leon Dore New Balance sneakers and more. Other top items are from commonly faked brands like BAPE, Louis Vuitton, Chrome Hearts and more.
Actor, model and fashion expert Luka Sabbat was on hand to help launch the experience.
“Obviously, [eBay is] one of the greatest secondhand retailers,” Sabbat told us. “Also, I went to high school in New York. This is when I first started archiving clothes and collecting streetwear pieces and stuff, so it just made sense [to be here].”
Sabbatt also explained how his fashion sense and style have become an important part of his foray into film and television.

“I met Kenya Barris and he liked my sense of style and he liked my personality, and so it kind of merged,” he said. “My character on grown-ish isn’t actually me, but it’s parts of me, and so I kind of merge my personal style within my TV personality. But other than that, I just think fashion is more accessible to the world now that social media exists. So I think more people are getting into streetwear, archival fashion, etc.”

Sabbat also noted some trends that he’s seeing in the style world.
“Unfortunately, a trend I’m seeing a lot is that because fashion is so accessible, some people, instead of discovering their personal style or copy-pasting looks that they see on other people, which isn’t style,” he said. “But other than that, I do like the trend of seeing people. Everybody has a rough patch and sometimes people end up finding their personal style through copying others, but I just like that people are into clothes.
Canal Street Wear is open Nov. 3 and Nov. 4 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 331 Canal Street in Manhattan.