nullIt was over a year ago (March 14, 2013) when the below tweet from Mara Brock Akil was posted, very likely (as I said at the time) inspired by the unprecedented success of the then "Veronica Mars" Kickstarter campaign, which had raised more than $3.1 million within its first 24 hours.

I don’t know if a lot of folks saw her tweet, because, at the time, she had just over 1,200 Twitter follows (that figure has since ballooned up to 26,200 as of the time of this post); although we shared it here, and word seemed to get around a bit. But I’m not sure if the Tweet really traveled the way it would today.

Skip ahead to September of this year, when Brock Akil, once again, tweeted about the potential for a "Girlfriends" movie, saying:

And then in October, just last month, in an interview she gave to Essence magazine, she’s asked about that tweet, and, in response, she said the following: "I want it too. The thing is, whether the public cares or understands, there is a business component to all of this. I remain diligent with CBS Paramount, who owns the rights to ‘Girlfriends.’ I think if the fans want something to do, they can contact CBS Paramount and let them know that they want that movie, because I want to do it. They know I want to do it; I’m very open to it, but there is a business component so I still stay diligent in convincing them that this is a property that is worth thinking about giving the rights to. Let me be very clear, I haven’t been told no. So I guess the real answer is, I remain diligent in trying to get it done. I’m very happy that I did meet with the actors, and all the actors want to do it, last we spoke, so I think if the stars align, we’ll get the business component. Then the second part is you’ve got to go find the money and a studio who believes in that project, and then of course, writing that script, and getting it done. I think it would be great."

So, there ya have it folks! Directly from the creator of the series.

A Twitter account has even been created for the movie; although I can’t say who’s behind it – whether it’s Brock Akil, or a fan. 

I’m not sure how much fans of the series contacting CBS/Paramount would encourage them to help make the movie happen, however – unless millions of you plan to act on what Brock Akil suggests. I think it simply comes down to them just wanting to do it. The show’s past success, and even cult-like fan-base, speak volumes. But don’t let that stop you from emailing and calling, and starting petitions, if you want to. As she says, the stars have to align; although, she also shares that she hasn’t been "told no." So there’s always hope that it will eventually happen, and fans will get exactly what they want. 

The creative team (including the actresses) are all on board, which is a good start always.

"Girlfriends" averaged around 4 million viewers in its early seasons, and ended with around 2 million viewers before it went off the sir. So its audience is really just about the same size as the "Veronica Mars" fan-base was. And that TV series became a movie (with a Kickstarter campaign’s assistance). 

Read the full Essence interview here.