Flint, Michigan still does not have clean water. This isn't new, it's been going on for years now. Still, nothing substantial has been done to fix it.
That is unless you count Governor Snyder's appointed committee meant to work on public health concerns related to the Flint water crisis. What a great idea! Maybe, it could be, if they ever sat down to meet and work on fixing things. However, it seems that the committee is just a tactic to save face because the committee has canceled its fourth consecutive meeting.
The reasoning for cancellation? They say there are no issues the group needs to discuss.
Let me reiterate that Flint still does not have clean water!
According to M Live, an email notice sent to members of the Flint Water Interagency Coordinating Committee (FWICC) says the meeting scheduled for Friday, Nov. 17, "has been canceled due to no agenda items being received from FWICC members as of Monday, Nov. 13."
In September, the Governor's Office said the cancellation of a September meeting was due to scheduling conflicts but said the committee's business would simply be carried over to the next meeting, which was also cancelled.
Since that time, the legal fight between the state Department of Environmental Quality and the Flint City Council has continued over whether a federal judge should force the city to lock into a new 30-year contract to buy water from the Great Lakes Water Authority.
The FWICC has met twice since March. So is the water crisis no longer important to those in leadership positions? Or was it never important to them to begin with?