After 45 dropped a "SOB" bomb in reference to players who chose to take a knee during the national anthem, many people protested him and the anthem by choosing to take a knee anyway. While celebrities, athletes, veterans, and civilians alike called him on his BS, one corporation is having none of that.

You can count on good ole NASCAR to let everyone know that if they see any of that protesting stuff, it won't be tolerated. 

According to The Hill,  NASCAR owners said Sunday they would not condone racers protesting during the national anthem, amid protests by sports players at football and baseball games. 

Former NASCAR champion and owner of "Richard Petty Motorsports" Richard Petty lived up to his name when he told the Associated Press that any member of his team would be fired if they chose to protest the national anthem. 

“Anybody that don’t stand up for the anthem oughta be out of the country. Period. What got ’em where they’re at? The United States,” Petty said. 

Richard Childress, another former driver and owner of Richard Childress Racing, said any protests from his team members would “get you a ride on a Greyhound bus.” 

“Anybody that works for me should respect the country we live in. So many people gave their lives for it. This is America,” Childress reportedly said.

Of course, Trump was elated by the support of NASCAR, and we can't qwhite put our finger on it, but we think we know why. The Twitler himself took to his favorite platform to express his thankfulness for the support. 

Well, thanks for the support NASCAR, I don't think the black delegation was expecting it from y'all anyways. 

Photo: Giphy