Some students from North Carolina Central University didn’t receive their caps and gowns in time for graduation on Friday.
Wadeeah Beyah, who works in the department of human sciences, took on the task of ensuring the students had gowns to wear for their graduation, WRAL reports.
After many NCCU alumni members decided to help the students out, Beyah committed her time to assist with last-minute alterations on Thursday.
“WOW… @NCCU’s Ms. Wadeeyah Beyah is saving the day after many graduation gowns didn’t arrive in time! She’s been hemming some donated gowns throughout the afternoon that are a little too big to make sure students have them tmrw morning. Ms. Beyah, you are a saint!!” WRAL anchor Mikaya Thurmond wrote on Twitter.
Octavia Drewery said she ordered her daughter’s cap and gown over a month ago from Herff Jones, the Indianapolis-based company that specializes in educational recognition and achievement products. Drewery said the garb arrived on Wednesday.
“It does add added stress,” Drewery said, according to WRAL. “This is unacceptable.”
Herff Jones said it was experiencing supply-chain disruptions and labor shortages that delayed the fulfillment of orders. A spokesperson for the company said the senior vice president drove to Durham, North Carolina, Thursday night from Arcola, Illinois, to distribute caps and gowns to students.
“We are moving heaven and earth to overcome the supply chain and labor shortage challenges,” the spokesperson said, WRAL reports.
Herff Jones released a statement saying it would be issuing a full refund to those impacted by the delays.
“We at Herff Jones are deeply apologetic for how this is affecting NCCU students, parents, and faculty,” the statement said, according to WRAL.