South Sudanese model Nyakim Gatwech has gone viral for her stunning looks, sun kissed dark complexion and affirming message.
Aside from the 24-year-old's amazing portfolio, she's quick to promote self love of the skin you're in and educate ignorant onlookers.
The beauty recently shared an exchange with a foolish Uber driver on Instagram, “I was [asked by] my Uber driver the other day, he said, ‘Don’t take this offensive but if you were given 10 thousand dollars would you bleach your skin for that amount?'” the beauty queen wrote on Instagram in late March.
“I couldn’t even respond I started laughing so hard.”
“[Then] he said, ‘So that a no’ and I was like hell to the f*king yeah [that’s] no, why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin God [blessed] me with,” she added. “[Then] he said so you look at it as a blessing?”
Despite the crude questions, Gatwech notes the she feels empowered by her uniqueness and the self love it took to be confident in her beauty.
As to what she would tell little girls struggling with their appearance?
“You are beautiful, you are unique, and there are people who love you just the way you are."