Imunek Williams is a hero.
According to People, the pregnant school bus driver evacuated students on her bus just a moment before it set on fire in Milwaukee on Wednesday. Williams was around two hours into her regular route when she noticed a strange smell and smoke coming from her bus. She pulled over and got the 37 students that she was taking to school — who ranged in age from kindergarten to high school — out of the vehicle, WISN-TV reported.
“I’m still kind of shocked after seeing the aftermath of the bus,” Williams told WISN-TV.
Looking back on the incident, Williams said her “mommy instincts kicked in really fast,” WTMJ-TV reported. She went back into the bus after all the kids were out to confirm everyone had exited the vehicle.
“I was the last person off once I get off, I turned around and I just seen flames,” Williams said, according to WTMJ-TV. “I wanted to make sure that I was safe, baby was safe and you know if it was my kid on the bus I would’ve wanted one of the bus drivers to act the same way that I did.”
The smoke made it difficult for Williams to contact dispatch after she pulled over.
“I couldn’t barely get what I was trying to say out because of the smoke was hitting me in the face in my eyes,” she recalled.
On Thursday morning, just one day after the fire, Williams was back on the bus making sure students got to school safely.
“Honestly, it feels good seeing the kids this morning and having them thanking me, the school thanking me,” she said, according to WISN-TV. “It just feels good that I was able to get them off and no one was hurt.”
The bus driver added that students were surprised to see her behind the wheel that day.
“I actually picked them up this morning, and they actually weren’t expecting to see me,” Williams said. “They were like, ‘Oh you’re back? You didn’t get burned up?’ I said ‘No, I’m still here.'”
According to WISN-TV, shortly after the fire, first responders took Williams to the hospital. Both her and her baby, who’s due in August, are healthy.
Authorities have yet to determine what caused the bus fire.