Day by day, we are getting closer and closer to Election Day. It will all be over soon.
Donald Trump was all over the place during last night’s debate. When Hillary Clinton made the statement, “I am on record as saying that we need to put more money in the social security trust fund. That’s part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy,” Donald Trump interrupted her and said, “Such a nasty woman.”
In turn, that statement has increased streams of Janet Jackson 1986 song, “Nasty,” by 250 percent, according to Spotify.
Who’s jamming to that nasty groove?
It’s you lot, with streams of Nasty up 250% since last night… #debates— Spotify (@Spotify) October 20, 2016
“Nasty” is taken from Janet’s massively popular and critically-acclaimed album, Control, and is one of her classic works.
Of course, Twitter had no couth about this.
*sighs*— DarkSkintDostoyevsky (@daniecal) October 20, 2016
Just hold on y’all…November 8 is coming.