I was just recovering from The Couch Monster Incident of 2017 when Trump's administration had to hit me again.
Betsy DeVos, the most useless thing to happen to education since DARE procured an absolutely mind numbing press release that was clearly written in her library that contains approximately 0 books.
Here it is, in all of its glory:
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos released the following statement after meeting with presidents and chancellors of Historically Black Colleges and Universities at the White House:
A key priority for this administration is to help develop opportunities for communities that are often the most underserved. Rather than focus solely on funding, we must be willing to make the tangible, structural reforms that will allow students to reach their full potential.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have done this since their founding. They started from the fact that there were too many students in America who did not have equal access to education. They saw that the system wasn't working, that there was an absence of opportunity, so they took it upon themselves to provide the solution.
HBCUs are real pioneers when it comes to school choice. They are living proof that when more options are provided to students, they are afforded greater access and greater quality. Their success has shown that more options help students flourish.
Their counsel and guidance will be crucial in addressing the current inequities we face in education. I look forward to working with the White House to elevate the role of HBCUs in this administration and to solve the problems we face in education today.
Photo: GIPHY
I will wait for you to pick your head off your desk, the floor it is currently rolling around on, or the wall it is being smashed against repeatedly.
DeVos is really out here acting like HBCU's existence is similar to charter schools, which makes sense, as that is the only form of education that she understands, just ask anyone who lives in Detroit. She is using HBCUs as a leaping point to spreading the cancer of charter schools nationwide. She is literally using the black labor and brilliance that manifested out of segregation to make a case for charter schools.
Photo: GIPHY
Let us focus first on this sentence as I think it is the most glaring example of a white person rewriting black history so that it serves them and helps line their pockets — "They started from the fact that there were too many students in America who did not have equal access to education. They saw that the system wasn't working, that there was an absence of opportunity, so they took it upon themselves to provide the solution." The first half of this is correct. Too many students did in fact not have equal access to education. The reason for that being that Jim Crow made it that way. Black Americans were unequivocally denied access to education because the got damn law stated so. HBCUs saw that the system wasn't working because the fucking system was created to exclude them. The absence of opportunity was interwoven into the American school system. And so because of that and that alone HBCUs were created.
And how does white America in 2017 feel about their existence? Let's ask the students of Howard University who woke up to this today:
Source: Raw Story
"HBCUs are real pioneers when it comes to school choice."
Photo: GIPHY
This is like saying being a slave paved the way for vocational schools. You know when someone is playing you, but they are so bad at the game that you're just sitting there waiting for them to stop digging their own grave of sadness and useless air? Reading this press release of nonsense makes me feel like I'm playing Connect Four with a 5-year-old. But because I am black and have lived in this country for my entire damn life, I'm used to white folks thinking they can pull one over us by baiting with empty compliments, like we are dogs thirsty for her white crumbs.
Photo: GIPHY
Not to-day Miss DeVos. Not yesterday. And not tomorrow.