The ongoing environmental crisis in Flint, Michigan, has dominated national headlines over the past three years. Although there has been national coverage, the plight of Flint residents hasn't improved. There still isn't clean water, and residents still have to use bottled water for daily tasks.
Actor, screen writer and producer J.J. Green took it upon himself to document the story of Flint through his new film Flint 6.
“It’s a redemption story,” Green told HuffPost while discussing why he doesn’t want the public to only see Flint residents as victims of the crisis. “These people are so resilient that they’re victors as well. I want to show that side; I want to show them taking things into their own hands and being victorious.”
The film will cover the work of residents who demanded that the state and local government take responsibility for one of the nation's worst environmental disasters. In fact, Flint 6 gets its name from the recent news that six state officials will be criminally charged for politically mishandling the crisis.
When Green was approached by investors/producers with $3.75 million to finance his film, he was elated but those same producers decided that production of the film should be moved out of Flint.
“I said no,” Green told HuffPost. “I can’t compromise the integrity of the story. I’m from Flint and I can’t treat the people like this because they deserve better.”
The producers wanted to cut cost after a tax incentive in Michigan that brought high-profile productions to the state was no longer in effect. So Green launched a campaign on Indiegogo to raise $75,000. He plans to start production on the film in March and has already cast key actors. Despite the set back, he will persevere.
“After growing up in Flint, it is one of the roughest places ever and if you can make it from Flint, you can make it anywhere and do anything,” Green said. “And if you can get the people of Flint, you can do anything.”
“The good thing about this story is that the whole city is behind it,” Green said. “Even the mayor loves this story; she read it, she loved it.”