Atlanta-based rapper T.I. took the lead of a march on Saturday, Oct. 7 calling out Houston's Restaurant for allegedly discriminating against black customers.
According to a video posted on Atlanta model and actress Ernestine Johnson's Instagram, her party of seven patrons walked into a Houston's Restaurant and waited to be seated only to discover that the restaurant has a policy prohibiting parties over six from sitting.
Johnson and her group conceded and offered to sit into two separate groups, one of three and second consisting of four people but the restaurant reportedly refused to serve them. This incident, and others according to Tip, spurred Saturday's protest.
A member of Johnson's party questioned one of the restaurant employees for an explanation but the employee failed to give one. T.I. and activist Jay Morrison led a group of protesters along with Johnson in a boycott march in front of the steakhouse. “Ok so I’ve heard 4 different stories from 4 different sources about discrimination against US at 2 separate Houston's Steakhouse locations in my city. Tomorrow we get answers. #HoustonsWeHaveAProblem,” he wrote on Instagram.
After videos of the protests went viral, a call for a more sustained boycott was initiated. In a statement on Instagram, the restaurant shut down before the protests began. They also denied all allegations of discrimination.