UPDATE – Arnold wrote on Twitter:

Previously reported:

Out of all of the Black celebrities to become Twitter’s main character of the day, beloved actress Tichina Arnold was probably low on everyone’s list. But that possibility has now skyrocketed into our current reality.

Arnold was roasted alive on Twitter for her statement about Black men being emasculated, in her view, in American society. She tweeted, “Honest Question: What can we as Black Women in America do to stop aiding in the emasculation of Black men in America?”

As you can imagine, her followers had a lot to say on the topic, chief of which being that Black women don't have to be the ones to save Black men for their personal mistakes.

“We, as black women are not responsible for the image that black men have created for themselves,” wrote one commenter. “I wish people would stop placing this responsibility on us.”

"What about us as black women?" wrote another. "Where is the protection and respect for us??"

"You can start by taking back this insulting, unequivocally asinine question that is completely devoid of any actual historical context to back it up," added another commenter. "Because history has shown time and again that Black women have been the ones PROTECTING Black men. And what do they do for us?"

“How about the role of Black women in the Civil Rights movement?” she continued. “The way they were denied their credit. The way they were told to remember their place and that their issues were not as important because race>gender and don’t you dare bring attention to your issues and split us?”

One of the male commenters seemed to agree with the women, writing, "I appreciate the gesture Ms. Arnold, but I don't know if that is your responsibility. In and of itself emasculation is a subjective construct. Trans women; gay men portrayed in media; independent black women…none of this emasculates me. My manhood isn't that fragile."

Another male commenter wrote, "Nothing," in response to Arnold's question, adding that Black men should stop treating emotions, asking for help, being LGBT, not being the breadwinner in a relationship, and liking untraditionally "manly" things as emasculating.

Others also commented on how the question about emasculation sounds like a covert discussion about homophobia and transphobia.

As one commenter wrote, “’emasculation of Black men in America’ (is a myth) has become a weird dog whistle phrase yall use to talk about Black gay men and transwomen simply being more visible as if their mere existence is demeaning or antagonistic to [cishet] Black men’s personhood/identity. it’s weird.”

Another added, "can we please start calling these 'emasculation' conversations what they really are: homophobia."

But some people actually answered Arnold's question under the assumption that there is a more sinister plot at work to keep Black women and men from uniting. C

Context Media Group founder and editor-in-chief Torraine Walker responded, “Our sisters can understand that we’re each other’s natural counterparts and there is a clear agenda at work to keep us separate and Black men specifically a weak and permanent underclass. Listening to us is the beginning.”

Another wrote, "As you can see by the comments sis, the hate for us is real. Either we hate ourselves (created by white supremacy), you hate us (more white supremacy) or society as a whole, maybe even the planet hates us (Again, white supremacy). Love us as u luv yourself."

Overall, though, most of the commenters are giving everyone a look at how toxic masculinity has affected Black men and that the way out of that trap is to be open to being human. Another takeaway: asking a landmine of a question Arnold‘s will certainly shoot you to the top of the Twitter algorithm.