Marcus Flemmings

Produced for just £7,000 (about $8,700), the self-financed “Six Rounds” from writer-director Marcus Flemmings, chronicles a boxing match set during the 2011 London Riots following the killing of Mark Duggan, a young black man, by police.

The film, which stars Adam J. Bernard (currently on stage in the lead role of Jimmy Early in the West End production of “Dream Girls” and has just been nominated for an Olivier Award) and Phoebe Torrance (“Friday Night Dinner”), is set for release on April 9th (in the UK) and on April 21st (in the US).

Tackling issues of race and social economics, director Flemmings believes the film has a lot to say not just about the causes and consequences of the 2011 riots, but also speaks to those who find themselves marginalized in society today.

Said Flemmings: “This film focuses on the challenges faced by one young man, but has genuine relevance for all of us in today’s society, with the potential consequences of Brexit, the Trump presidency and the rise of nationalist politics across the Western world impossible to escape.”

The filmmakers are hoping to inspire conversation with the film around the issues it tackles, leading to some social impact.

Check out its intriguing trailer below: