After the airing of BET’s Black Girls Rock! Nev Schulman, host of MTV’s Catfish tweeted a rather controversial comment about black women. He agreed that black girls rock, while also stating that they tend to catfish a lot.

Even though he deleted the tweet, Nev soon learned that Black Twitter is not to be messed with.

It started with disbelief
So @NevSchulman decided to insult black woman on the night that #BlackGirlsRock aired?
— Ᏸecca (@MJStarLover) April 6, 2016
Then the SHOTS began
Nev Schulman is what happens when a certain kind of NYC white child realizes he ain’t never gonna be smarter or more interesting than BW
— OriginalRudeGyal (@Blackamazon) April 6, 2016
Black Twitter made #Catfish great. I can guaran-damn-tee they’ll punt @NevSchulman out the paint faster than he threw ol boy’s phone.
— A Stand Up Guy (@PercivalPenman) April 6, 2016
Along with the threats to boycott his show
I am TIRED of the blatant disrespect of black women. On our night to shine too. Nev is cancelled. @NevSchulman 🙄🙄🙄
— anime princess (@melaninbarbie) April 6, 2016
WELP. Officially never watching catfish again. You ruined it @NevSchulman.
— Belly Kapowski (@kashmirVIII) April 6, 2016
Somebody even pulled out receipts
Well, just in case they didn’t…the time Nev repeatedly punched a woman in college:
— Cilantro the Cancer (@steenfox) April 6, 2016
A former administrator from Sarah Lawrence called Nev Schulman “a condescending, entitled, reprehensible tool. :)”
— Cocky McSwagsalot (@MoreAndAgain) April 6, 2016
But not before questioning whether or not he should be doing this show
Seems irresponsible to brand oneself as an expert on "catfishing" without understanding the issues behind it @NevSchulman
— Vanessa Veasley (@VanessaVeasley) April 6, 2016
It doesn’t surprise me that “Black girls tend to catfish a lot” in a world that constantly tells them they aren’t enough @NevSchulman
— Vanessa Veasley (@VanessaVeasley) April 6, 2016
And offering some good ol’ compassion
I do PR. DM me. Help me help you. We can fix this, @NevSchulman.
— Kardi G (@kiaspeaks) April 6, 2016
Eventually, they had to take him to school
Maybe we tend to catfish a lot bc media and society portrays black women as ugly and unwanted, causing self hate.
— cici (@melaninporn) April 6, 2016
Thank u @melaninporn for taking the time to help me understand some of the issues POC deal w/. Sorry to all I upset.
— Nev Schulman (@NevSchulman) April 6, 2016
And, as expected, he apologized
You’re right to be upset & don’t have to accept my apology, but I am deeply sorry to those whom I offended and learned a valuable lesson.
— Nev Schulman (@NevSchulman) April 6, 2016
What do you think? Will you continue to watch ‘Catfish’?