An ex-student gunned down a University of Arizona (U of A) faculty member on Wednesday, leaving the campus community in total shock.

The shooting went down at around 2 p.m. inside the U of A’s John W. Harshbarger Building, which houses the institution’s Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, the Arizona Daily Star reports.

Thomas Meixner — an expert on desert-based water issues and the head of the department — was the only victim in the incident, and he ultimately died of his injuries, according to the Arizona Daily Star.

“This incident is a deep shock to our community, and it is a tragedy. I have no words that can undo it, but I grieve with you for the loss, and I am pained especially for Tom’s family members, colleagues and students,” Dr. Robert C. Robbins, president of U of A, expressed in a statement.

The suspect, identified as a 46-year-old named Murad Dervish, was arrested a few hours later near Gila Bend, Arizona.

We should also add that authorities were actually called to the scene before the shooting occurred, as a student spotted Dervish, who was not allowed on the premises, hanging around.

“Someone recognized the [former] student and knew that he was not allowed inside the building,” U of A Police Chief Paula Balafas said, the Arizona Daily Star reports; however, before authorities could get to the scene, the shooting had already gone down.


“I don’t know what the suspect’s issue was in this case, but if you see something, don’t just say something but do something. If you know someone struggling with mental health issues or anger issues, please reach out,” Balfas noted.

The Tucson, Arizona, campus resumed operations on Thursday and is offering counseling services to those impacted by the incident, according to a campus update.