Don’t you wish that sometimes white people had a good ol’ can of Mind Your Own F**king Business? Well, now they can!

In a now-viral video mocking a stereotypical product ad, a white woman endorses Mind Your Own F**king Business (MYOFB), a treatment that comes in a medicine bottle. Similar to Nyquil, users can swallow a cap of MYOFB to get the results they need!

While living in a time where white people seem overly tempted to grab their phones and dial the police for everyday behaviors black people perform, a dose of MYOB promises to calm the calling urge. Instead, the medicine will help induce in white people the rationality to continue on their way and mind their business. 

The 'commercial' has been viewed over 1.6 million times on Twitter with a post caption claiming the product has already been sold out. 

In the video, the lead actress promises that “Our patented technology allows you to pull your head out of your *ss and see the world beyond the brim of your MAGA hat.” 

Side effects include: not harassing people, no one getting murdered or arrested by the police, a general sense of well-being for people of color and more. 

Too bad the product isn’t real; Permit/Petty Patty, who called the police on an 8-year-old girl selling water to raise money for a trip to Disney World, sure could have used a couple doses.