Prison isn’t stopping Wesley Snipes from stacking up projects for when he gets out.

It’s not getting in the way of him doing interviews either; the folks at IGN got an exclusive with Wesley from behind bars in which he talked about plans that are already in the works, or that will be once he’s out of the Pen.

One of those projects is a collaborating with Lapland Studios to produce and star in a new action game titled Julius Styles: The International, which Snipes originally planned to make into a feature film, also starring himself, but was convinced to first try to build interest via a video game, which is what he’s done.

The game is now available in the Apple AppStore, for the iPhone and iPad, and will later expand to Xbox, PlayStation, Wii and the Android Market.

So, what’s the game-soon-to-be-a-film about? “This project was inspired by my desire to bring my ‘Art of War,’ ‘Murder at 1600’ and ‘Passenger 57’ characters into the game world. Julius Styles will offer something for both the mind game strategist and the kick-ass special ops warrior lover,” said Snipes.

The project is said to have been in development for the last over 12 months, with the end goal being to create an established brand, making it easier to sell the movie, which will go into production after Snipes gets out of jail.

We know his current situation… We did extensive meetings and conference calls and have gone into such details about the character in the run up to this that all the ground work for the game has been done. We intend to expand upon the game and have multiple episodes over multiple platforms with the aim of creating an established brand. There is absolutely a film in mind for a few years from now and it will be one of the first movies Wesley does after his release,” said Warren Derosa, co-CEO of Elstree Studios Productions, who are also involved in the deal.

I embedded a trailer for the game below.

But what else did Wesley tell IGN he had up his sleeve?

On returning to the Blade franchise:

Some people forget or overlook my/our contribution to this current trend. The ‘Gaming’ community knows and the streets give us credits, but the movie world frequently plays us like the ‘ugly step child’ or the ‘kitchen help’, especially when the conversation revolves around the ‘boys in tights’ or ‘the bat’. Getting asked this question all the time, my response is: “Under the right circumstances, with the right team, yes, I’d do another one.” But don’t get me wrong, I’m not waiting around for the opportunity. I’ve got plenty to do, plus an unravelled character in the works who I think will give Blade a helluva run for his money. It would be nice to fulfil some of the really cool plans we had for Blade, but didn’t get the chance to go live with.

Ahh, so he’s got some other ideas for a new character.

On other projects lined up for when he’s out:

Yes, a fantastic animated project titled Omandi Mech 5, which is a futuristic sci-fi action adventure centered around a family of warrior scientist whose son is resurrected in the body of a giant hero robot, a MECH. Along with the allied freedom fighting forces of N.A.R.A., they battle pre-human evolution beings, who set out to reclaim the surface planet and reduce the earthlings to beasts of burden and FOOD. I screened about 18 minutes of footage, in motion graphic format, for exec at EA, who loved it. No firm deal as of yet, but prospects look great. There are also plans to build a feature and video game around the ‘graphic novel’ concept Antoine Fuqua and I created titled “After Dark”. The graphic novel, produced in partnership with Radical Comics, is currently on the market… Truthfully, we have about 5 cross-platform, franchise-able products in different stages of development or production. Something for grown-ups, something for kids, and something for ‘grown-up kids’. The martial arts gets a look in all of them. Young people will love the “Jaycen Wise” adventure series.

We’ve previously written about Omandi Mech 5 (HERE); however, the Jaycen Wise adventure series may not be familiar. If it isn’t, you can start HERE.

We’re rooting for ya Wes! 🙂

Check out IGN for the full interview HERE.

Here’s the game trailer for Julius Styles: The International: