With how tedious and strenuous the routine of college can become, it’s important to set time aside to dedicate to your various outlets for stress. If neglected you’ll drown in a whirlpool of essays and assignments. You’ll end up succumbing to commonalities akin to jet lag and burn out.
There are many outlets available to us in college. I’ve found that one of my outlets is spending time with others. It helps smooth out the rigid landscape of my mental plane. Without that, it’s eroded by the constant tension of college. I recently attended a gathering curated by GTCANS (Gwinnett Technical College Association of Nursing Students). It was a great way to connect with like minded peers, who shared many of the same interests on account of pursuing the same field.
I washed down the strain of class work with the sparkling cider provided. I drowned out the pounding in my head, from lack of rest, with smooth afrobeats. The rest of my worries were caught in between words and lost amongst the amazing conversations I shared with my peers. As the day progressed it blossomed into a series of fun activities. We tested each other’s skill with a suture competition. Our fingers ran through each hole, sewing the wound all the way to the fifty dollar prize. By the end of the night I found myself drowning in nostalgia as I participated in a game of Twister and a few rounds of Just Dance 2022. In the midst of all the fun antics and games I stumbled into a few new friendships. I had an amazing time and it was a break away from the common stressor of college.
It’s imperative to your mental health to step outside of the realm of responsibility and just live. Finish reading that book, start that art piece that’s been nagging at your creative strings. Get connected to your peers. You need a filtration system to filter out all the toxicity towards college. A metaphorical chemical to dissolve through the mold and grime built up by stress.
What do you do in your spare time to de-stress?
Zada Luby is a first-year student at Gwinnett Technical college, she’s a nursing major who loves art, nature, and helping her community grow. Follow her interests and more here