Black people deal with a lot of scrutiny and criticism on a daily basis — but we all need a break from that. We’ve reached out to our moms and to black men in general, but now we’ve got some words of encouragement for the black fathers out there.
- Thank you for being the first man to introduce me to sports!
- Thank you for making my standards for relationships and dating so high that I don’t bring just anyone around to meet you. If a partner meets you, they’re likely “the one.”
- Thank you for teaching me how to be a man when society only saw me as a thug.
- Thank you for pushing me to learn more about black history and culture so that I grew up knowing who I am and whose I am.
- Thank you for teaching me the value of hard work but also reminding me not to take myself (or life) too seriously
- Thank you for making me listen to your music on road trips, even when I rolled my eyes as you told me about the “good ol’ days.”
- Thank you for always believing in me and cheering me on, even when I didn’t ask or expect you to.
- Thank you for being on the frontlines fighting for your family.
- I didn’t always show appreciation, but your advice about careers, school, finances and more has been so helpful for me.
- You provided an example of what a man is, not only for our family but also for the other families that interacted with us.
- You taught me how a man should really treat a woman.
- Thank you for always fixing things for me! From household things to finances and more.
- You sacrificed more than I could have to make sure that my education was a priority, and not an afterthought.
- It’s okay to cry or be sad. Many people in our society say being a man and being black means showing no vulnerability, but don’t limit yourself and your feelings for them. Being strong is about expressing your essence despite what ignorant people will say.
- Fatherhood is too quickly stripped from your body. Your love is too often not spoken about.