This week has been, well, one of those weeks.
Through it all, we must remain resilient. Desite the election outcome and the aftermath that followed, positive vibes only. If you feel yourself slipping into a somber mood, here is a list of 15 things that immediately make us smile. We hope the same for you.
1. A Tribe Called Quest is back with a new LP that drops Friday.

Click here to see the full We Got It From Here … Thank You 4 Your Service track list.
Bonus: Dave Chappelle is hosting SNL with Tribe Called Quest as the special musical guest.
2. @Lilblackbabies on Twitter.
when bae gives you the attention you’ve been waiting
— Cute Black Babies (@Lilblackbabies) November 4, 2016
3. Solange finally told people to stop touching our hair.

4. Miss Shirleen videos.
A video posted by Christianee Porter (@thechristishow) on
5. Songs in the key of Auntie Jenifer Lewis

6. Cam Newton memes.
7. Her.
8. “Black Panther” is in the works.

9. This Riley Curry gif.

This one too.

Okay, ALL Riley Curry gifs.

10. Mary J. Blige dancing.
11. Realizing the heir to the Kardashian throne will be a black woman.
A video posted by Blac Chyna (@blacchyna) on
Blac Chyna checked into the hospital early Thursday. The time has come.
12. Posts by “Because of Them We Can” as a powerful reminder of our past and future.
“You don’t fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity.” – Bobby Seale #BPP50 #becauseofthemwecan
— #becauseofthemwecan (@Becauseofthem) October 16, 2016
13. This Google image search.
14. The first season of Insecure is availble to watch, totally free.

15. This moment.
Hang in there, fam.
Need some music to keep you pumped? We have a playlist to get you going.