The past few days memes and gifs surfaced of a baboon typing away on a computer, reading documents, explaining pie charts, and more routines all too familiar to us humans. The comedy generated has been hilarious and the perfect break from the stresses of work, starting school and police brutality.  In true Blavity fashion we couldn’t help but pull together our favorite ones.

Back to school and stressing out over that last minute paper:

When you’re with your friends

#GrowingUpBlack anyone?:

Gettin’ caught up on social media with bae or diving into too many DMs:

Hell, even @deray jumped in on it:

Been on the job hunt? This is for you.

That annoying email you get after puttin’ in work on a project in the office:

When you’re at Chipotle:

When the math ain’t adding up:

When folks comin’ at you sideways:

Lastly, for the real sophistiratchets:

Are you laughing yet? Share this list with a friend on Facebook below