We all know that travel can be a little expensive. Despite the fact that there are tons of tools out there to help you find the most affordable flight options and places to stay when traveling, it’s always helpful to set aside a travel fund so you can book at the drop of a dime when you see an amazing flight deal. They say if you stay ready, you never have to get ready!
Here are some tips I’ve found most helpful to save for travel:
Travel savings account
The most traditional way to save for travel is creating a separate bank account that you contribute to on a regular basis. Check with your employer, there might be an opportunity to split your direct deposit so a certain percentage of each paycheck is sent directly to your travel savings account. If you’re comfortable with it, you might want to consider not having a debit card linked your savings account so you physically have to go to the bank to remove the funds, making it more difficult to spend on an ongoing basis when you should be saving.
Apps & tools
There are lots of financial tools available to help you sort out your finances. MINT is a tool that digests your bank and credit activity and makes your spending habits clear as day via charts and graphs. You’ll identify where you might be spending way more than you expected and get your life in order.
Another great app is DIGIT, which also digests your bank activity monthly and based on your spending habits and needs and takes a small amount of money out every few days to put in your DIGIT bank account. At the end of the month you’ll find that from these small amounts withdrawn from your checking account that you didn’t even recognize, you now have $300 saved! They give you around-the-clock access to your DIGIT bank account and can transfer money back into your checking account whenever you need it.
Keep it old school
Create an at-home savings bank DIY-style that you contribute to every payday. Find a close-able jar, jug or box to use as your bank. Whether it’s $50 per pay period or $350 per pay period, create a realistic plan based on your budget and income and stick to it! Find a partner to start this savings plan and keep each other accountable so you don’t miss a payday. Create a tally sheet to physically post on your new at-home bank:
- Column 1 should have your pay dates
- Column 2 should have your contributions per pay date that you determine at the beginning of your 12-months savings plan
- Column 3 should be the total amount in your bank, including your last deposit from your most recent payday
These are three ways I’ve saved for my travel. What are some of your tips?
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