It is not every year, decade or lifetime — wherein one may witness an ascent as unstoppable as Oprah Winfrey’s journey from an impoverished young girl in rural Mississippi to one of the richest women in the world. Alas, it's not her philanthropy nor entrepreneurial spirit alone that has kept her illuminated by the heated glow of stardom. The media mogul has a way with words as well.

When Lady O wasn't giving us food for thought, she was reminding folks food needs to be seasoned. Here are five of her most notable quotes:

1. “One of the hardest things in life to learn is which bridges to cross and which bridges to burn.”

Ms. Winfrey’s incredible success has not shielded her from the criticism accompanying celebrity life and success. Indeed, the Black billionaire has relied on her sense of diplomacy and business savvy to navigate the choppy waters of controversy — strategically parting ways and mending fences as she sees fit. 

2. “Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”

Winfrey is always the oracle. These words offer a grounded reminder to search for opportunity in the face of adversity. Surely, the queen of entrepreneurs can testify to the power of innovative thinking.

3. “Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.”

Devout mentee of the late, great Maya Angelou and celebrated friend of the Obama White House, Winfrey’s life and career personify “birds of a feather flock together.” Her success speaks truth to the power held by timeless wisdom: you are who your friends are.

4. “Did we add salt and pepper?” 

During a 2006 taping of the famed Oprah Winfrey Show, the talk show host taste-tested an award-winning chicken and stuffing dish. To her surprise, the million-dollar chicken was complete with lemon glaze, paired with stuffing and devoid of any other seasoning. With this moment fitting neatly into the Stingy White Cook trope, the moment was shelved in the Black meme consciousness. After all, Winfrey hadn’t asked about onion powder or the addition of sage in the stuffing. What could it take to inspire an award-winning cook to season dishes with salt and pepper?

5. “I heard you have Gucci flatware. I’m Oprah Winfrey, and I don’t even have Gucci flatware.”

This quote re-emerged into the Twittersphere in response to claims that the acclaimed journalist uses her platform to belittle Black men. Aht, aht! Singer and reality TV star Toni Braxton says Winfrey once humiliated her on a 1998 episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show. The taping followed the "Another Sad Love Song" singer's first bankruptcy. Braxton alleges Winfrey’s candid reaction to her highly publicized overspending damaged her image. For the rest of us, when we're ever looking to financially humble ourselves, these may very well be the words to turn to.