When it comes to making the best out of a bad situation, black people are undefeated. With unparalleled grace, faith, and humor, we defy insurmountable odds and prevail in the face of crippling adversity. It's just what we do. That's why it came as no surprise when I saw my timeline inundated with live examples of the fam ministering to souls, elevating spirits, and providing comic relief amidst the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. As we continue to send aid, support, and prayers to everyone who has been effected by the natural disaster, let's take a moment to recognize our unrelenting dopeness despite the circumstance. Check out these 6 examples of relentless black joy amidst the devastation of Hurricane Harvey:

Our ability to extract comedy, even amidst havoc is unparalleled. My man right here has the solution for your little flooding problem.

This one took me out. The walking exemplification of faith.

Keep your capes, these superheroes show up with hoodies, locs, and an encouraging word. #IAmNotYourStereotyp

When Hurricane Harvey prevented this dad from catching his flight back home to Houston, he decided to crash his daughters first day of grad school.

Happiness comes from favorable circumstances, but joy…? Joy radiates from within and this right here is pure #BlackBoyJoy

We praise different. Victoria White set it off when she launched into this spirited rendition of "Spirit Break Out" at a Conroe, Texas shelter.

Undefeated! Our faith is more than just cerebral, philosophical or theoretical, it is REAL. It has delivered us from crisis, carried us through struggle and planted us stronger on the other side and our ability to tap into our inner reserve of laughter and humor, despite the circumstances is unrivaled.

                                              Photo: Giphy

Click here for a list of vetted organizations providing aid to people affected by Hurricane Harvey.