We have to admit —
Black Panther has taken over our lives, and we're here for it, because the movie gave us life.
Almost a full week after its release, we're still left dissecting and discussing, which is the mark of an impactful film. Thanks in part to its cool Easter eggs and unforgettable lines, Wakanda is truly forever.
Of course, the movie has left us with questions, too. Many questions … that need answers.
Please note, there are many, many spoilers below!
1. Is Erik Killmonger really dead?
We're going to start with the big one.
Yes, you could see Killmonger visibly weaken after uttered his epic last words, “Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, cause they knew death was better than bondage,” but the camera pulled away, and we never actually saw Killmonger take his last breath. There seems to be more than enough room for a little switcheroo, and surprise comeback for the complex villain in a sequel, for sure.
2. How is the MCU going to change now that the world has access to Wakandan technology?
One of the most significant plot points of the film is that Wakanda isolated itself from the rest of the universe to protect its most valuable resource: vibranium.
However, now that T'Challa has revealed Wakanda's advanced technology to the world, everyone and their mama knows about it. We're interested to see how the technology will affect other characters and plot points in the MCU, as well as whether the sharing will cause any future conflict within Wakanda. It's sure to be interesting.
Speaking of which …
3. How did Wakanda stay hidden in the age of the internet? Are citizens not allowed to use social media? Are they not allowed to travel?
Even in our primitive (in comparison to Wakanda's advanced technology) social media world, it's extremely difficult to keep things private.
So, we can only wonder why Wakandan citizens were able to remain hidden in the internet age. Did they have internet censorship, similar to nations like China? Did they have travel restrictions?
We're thinking they likely had the best virus protection and firewalls known to man. Further, we wonder if we'll get to dive deeper into why Wakandans restricted themselves from the outside world and refused to offer help.
4. Is Bucky Barnes going to be the movies' White Wolf?
Unless you're a complete Marvel movie amateur, you saw the second end-credits scene where Bucky (you may know him as the Winter Soldier in the Captain America franchise) arose from a house in Wakanda, and had a brief interaction with Shuri. We're wondering if Bucky may serve as the film's White Wolf, a white ex-patriot living in the Wakanda of the comics according Marvel's Wikia page. It would certainly make sense and line up nicely.
5. Are there any more heart-shaped herbs left?
Remember when Killmonger went through his ritualistic royal initiation, and decided to have the heart-shaped herbs (which transports potential kings/queens to the ancestors' plane and provides the pure power of the Black Panther) destroyed?
Well, Nakia secretly snatched one of the herbs, which was later used to restore T'Challa's powers. It makes us wonder, though … are there any more? Maybe another one of the wise herb keepers snatched one off-frame? Maybe Shuri's got a hidden supply? We can only hope.
6. Who was Erik's girlfriend and why was she working with Killmonger and Klaue?
We were first introduced to Killmonger during the action-packed art museum scene, but we were also briefly introduced to his girlfriend.
Once Killmonger and Klaue made their escape, you could see her kissing Killmonger in triumph. She assisted the duo in their heist, but unfortunately was killed in a gun standoff between Killmonger and Klaue. Since she didn't have much screen time, we weren't given her background or why she was involved in Killmonger and Klaue's plans to begin with, but we'd like to know her story!
7. Will Shuri become the new Black Panther in the films?
In the comics, Shuri takes over as Black Panther after T'Challa is severely wounded. Given the power of representation, it would be especially dope if a black woman led what is expected to be a highly successful MCU franchise!