Since I’ve been in college, saving money and using my resources have been essential to survival. For many, college can be stressful because money is so tight. Therefore, every way that you can save money, you should. With the help of the internet, especially YouTube, I have found a number of ways to save my coins. One way is by doing it myself, in other words, by mastering DIYs. Here are seven reasons why doing it yourself might be your best option:

1. It saves money

The great thing about DIYs is that they usually require tools that you already have in your home. I love to create DIY recipes for my hair. Not only is it fun to try out, but I get to use the household items I already have and try out different recipes on my hair without breaking the bank. What’s not to like about that?

2. It’s fun to experiment

Doing it yourself is a creative experience. You can get as experimental as you want with whatever you’re making. There are no boundaries and that’s what makes it so fun. For example, I plan to do a DIY recipe for a body sugar scrub. Though the recipes for most scrubs are the same, I can use oils that work better for my skin as opposed to the ones I found in the original recipe.

Photo: Howsbeautytips

3. It’s a learning experience

DIYs are a learning experience and they’re all about trial and error. For example, there are many hair techniques that I’ve wanted to try or have tried. Some were a complete success, but others were a complete fail. Either way, I’ve learned from my experiences and I know what to do/not to do next time around.

4. It’s a way to broaden your horizons

You know the saying, “Don’t knock it until you try it?” It truly reflects how I feel about my DIY experiments. Before I began doing DIYs for hair recipes, I never even thought about owning a container of Shea butter or coconut oil. But by doing these recipes and seeing what they can do for my hair, I’ve grown to love these products and use them for other hair or skin care regimens. Doing it yourself is a process where you not only learn about what you’re making, but you also open yourself to learning more about you and what you like.

5. You’re creating an endless supply

This is an interesting way to look at it, but it’s true. Whenever you run out of your favorite DIY recipe, you have no need to stress. You can always reproduce it at your command with no hassle. It’s pretty awesome.

6. It can relieve stress

For myself personally, it’s fun to get creative and engage in new experiences. Anytime I’m stressing and just need a clear head, making things really helps. Doing DIY projects helps me focus my attention on something more positive.

7. It’s the ultimate gratification

Creating a great DIY recipe or having success with your first hairstyle attempt is a gratifying experience, to say the least. You truly learn about yourself and what you’re making and you will feel so proud of the work you’ve done.

Photo: YouTube

What are some of your favorite DIY recipes or tutorials? Comment below!

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