Daddy’s Little Princess, written by 7-year-old Morgan Taylor, introduces girls to black and brown royalty from around the world. Morgan believes that her book featuring diverse Princesses and Queens will inspire other girls to hold their heads high and ‘rock a crown’.
This second-grade author is no stranger to feeling like she was unworthy of royalty. Daddy’s Little Princess was born from a conversation between Morgan and her father, where she told him that she “didn’t feel like a real princess.”
The moment is captured in the book, which Morgan read aloud at the International Civil Rights Center in Greensboro, North Carolina.
“Morgan’s eyes shone bright with amazement. ‘Wow daddy, all these princesses are really cool and they’re brown like me. I guess I really can be a princess.'”
Morgan’s father, who is the co-author of Daddy’s Little Princess and a former educator, pointed out that “diversity in literacy increases the educational success of minority children.” He says Daddy’s Little Princesses does the opposite as “this book excites, ignites, and educates young readers,” in an effort to inform and build self-esteem.