In yet another case of white men telling Black folk how they should respond to oppression, a guest on a Fox News show audaciously stated it's time Black people "move on from slavery."
"Slavery was abolished a century and a half ago, nobody alive today has a grandparent who was a slave, and in that sense I think you reach a point where, you know, you need to move on," author Mark Steyn said to show host Tucker Carlson on Thursday night. "The reparations thing, eventually, as the decades go by, becomes ridiculous."
According to HuffPost, Steyn was discussing how 2020 Democratic presidential contenders Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro advocated for present-day reparations for African Americans still being affected by 400 years of slavery.
What makes it worse, Carlson didn't even bother to correct his guest. Instead, the longtime host chuckled alongside him and said "yeah" when Steyn, who is Canadian, argued he also deserves reparations because if "[America] hadn't had the revolution, the whole continent would now be Canada."
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Keep in mind, this is the same "intellectual" who emphatically claimed the Confederate flag was a Democratic piece of propaganda, blaming former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for pushing a racist agenda during her first presidential run in 2008.
"It's their flag," Steyn asserted on Sean Hannity's Fox News show back in 2015. "Hillary Clinton had it on campaign bumper stickers when she ran for president in 2008. You mentioned Robert C. Byrd, Bill Clinton was doing Ku Klux Klan jokes at Robert C. Byrd’s funeral!"
Watch the buffoonery from the Thursday interview below.
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