While she is well known for her catchy songs, Cardi B is also famous for her infectious personality. Some of that has to do with her very recognizable voice and her penchant for sound effects. Seriously, her conversational ad libs are a celebrity in their own right. They've even inspired a Cardi B version of Star Wars

Celebrities with distinct voices like Eddie Murphy or Mike Tyson are frequently impersonated by comedians, and Cardi B is no different, especially the fact new, internet-based comedians are always on the prowl for new content opportunities.

One woman took a look at Cardi's baby shower pictures and decided to upload a quick, mock "if Cardi B were giving birth" video. 

Twitter user @MyMixtapez posted the video on Tuesday.

Photo: GIPHY

And though the young comedian many have done a pretty decent job impersonating the rapper's vocal tics, Twitter wasn't exactly amused. The fact that the woman in the video is white made things worse. Folks accused her of appropriation and flat-out racism. Basically, Twitter was like, "White girl, you TRIED it!"

Side-eyes abounded:

Photo: GIPHY

Some thought she nailed it, however and argued folks were just "big mad:"

Still, those who weren't feeling it made their position loud and clear!

They just weren't here for Cardi Becky.

Photo: GIPHY