Anika Noni Rose tied the knot! The actress and Broadway star revealed to Brides magazine she has been married to actor Jason Dirden since October 2022. As the cover models for the latest edition, Rose and Dirden said that they wrote their own vows. They also proved just how perfect they are for each other with a fun coincidence.
“Without consulting each other, we ended up using the same phrase at the end of each [of our vows], said Rose to Brides. “We couldn’t have planned it better.”
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They both said they never planned on marrying another person in the entertainment business. The two met while acting in the 2014 Broadway production of A Raisin in the Sun.
“We have fun,” Rose said of their relationship. “We laugh a lot, which is really, really important. And we don’t talk so much about the business.”
Dirden said that the fun they have is “what drew us in together as friends,” adding, “This woman is so silly. She has a four-year-old child living inside of her that will never go away. She loves to prank people, and she has that kind of spontaneous silliness to her that allowed us both to release any type of armor, or any type of defense mechanism, and allowed us to really just be who we are with each other.”
“We created this friendship walking 60 blocks from rehearsal to the gym, just talking about life, ora bout anything really,” he continued. “It had nothing to do with the play that we were working on. There’s always been that kind of comfort and ease between us.”
Their friendship lasted for several years before it turned into a romantic relationship, with Dirden proposing in December 2021. Their autumn wedding was officiated by Colman Domingo, with Rose wearing a custom Alonuko Bridal gown designed by Gbemi Okunlola. The bridal party also had bouquets tied with the sleeves of the wedding dress once worn by Rose’s mother