On August 25, Black Chicago Eats, an organization that promotes restaurants in Chicago's black communities, will host the first ever Everybody Eats Foodie Awards.
The organization hopes the event will shine a spotlight on black-owned businesses. The Foodie Awards will include 36 categories, including “Black Chef of the Year,” “Best Black-Owned Place to Eat” and “Best Black-Owned Franchise."
According to the Chicago Eater, The Bean Soup Times will be a key co-sponsor of the event which will be held at Salaam Restaurant, on the city's South Side.
Even better, Black Chicago Eats has opened up nominations to the community, which means you can help decide who takes home the hardware. You can nominate your favorite culinary professionals here.
And that's not all Black Chicago Eats has in store!
The group also plans to organize the first Taste of Black Chicago on August 19 on Chicago's South Side, at the Nation of Islam's Chicago headquarters.
Before you start to think you shouldn't go cause you like haram food, Black Chicago Eats has said that the Taste will feature all types of black food, halal and haram both.
Keeping with its mission of showing off the best of black Chicago food, Black Chicago Eats told Eater that it wants people — be they white, Latinx or whatever else — from all over the city to come and sample the food of the city's black chefs.
Black Chicago Eats has opened up vendor registration to this event to all, so if you live in Chicago, and you've got those culinary skills, consider setting up shop!