A Seattle family is seeking answers after the death of their 18-year-old son found hanging from a tree. With the backing of a Muslim civil rights group, the family has requested an FBI investigation into the death of Ben Keita, initially ruled a suicide by the Snohomish County Medical Examiner. "Ben was a very happy young man," dad Ibrahimi Keita told KOMO News. "He was already in the running start program going to Everett Community College. No history of depression or anxiety."

Keita, who was reported missing in November, disappeared without his car, wallet or phone. Back in January, the teen’s body was found in the woods near his neighborhood. After the initial suicide ruling, local authorities changed the classification to undetermined. Arsalan Bukhari of the Council on Islamic-American Relations said, “We want to make sure that the expertise, the experience, and the human resources of the FBI are brought in to make sure that everything is comprehensively investigated, no stone is left unturned and we really want to get answers about what may have happened.” 

The circumstances surrounding Keita's death remain unclear. The family is asking anyone with pertinent information to come forward. The case is currently under review with the FBI and if warranted, further investigation may be conducted.

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