After watching Civil War, I never thought it’d be possible for Black Panther to glow up any more. But he did. In fact, there might be minutes upon minutes of glow-up on the cutting room floor. A deleted scene has surfaced. And no, it’s not of T’Challa throwing righteous hands of justice for his daddy’s murder. But it’s still close enough. It’s him serving entire hamburger helping of shade to Natasha Romanoff. And I love it. I love every second.
T’Challa the great literally tells Black Widow she’s not used to hearing the truth – a double entendre in my opinion. And then he basically insinuates that “dis ain’t what you want” like a classic Lil Durk Chicago drill anthem. Just in that very short time, from beginning to end, my entire life was made.
This always happens when it’s DVD time. Somehow one of the deleted scenes makes it out. And then you struggle inside Target for at least three consecutive minutes about if you’re going to buy it or not. I’m always too weak willed to resist. And this time especially will be no different. I need to see what other scenes are lurking in the shadows of Civil War. I literally didn’t believe it could have been any better. But I was wrong.

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