You have to figure that Flight must be a good film since so many people are getting upset about it.
There's already been noise from some people who are angry about Denzel Washington's character in the movie, who they see as a negative, stereotypical black character. And now Anheuser-Busch has blown their stack.
They're upset that Washington is seen drinking Budweiser, especially in one scene while he's drinking while behind the wheel of his car, and has asked Paramount Pictures to remove, or at least, obscure the Budweiser logo in the film.
Because, you see, only responsible drinkers drink Bud, and it would be false to imply that drunks also swill Bud.
Rob McCarthy, who is the v.p. of Budweiser, issued a statement saying that, neither Paramount nor director Robert Zemeckis contacted the company to ask their permission to use Bud in the film.
In the statement he said: "We would never condone the misuse of our products, and have a long history of promoting responsible drinking and preventing drunk driving. We have asked the studio to obscure the Budweiser trademark in current digital copies of the movie and on all subsequent adaptations of the film, including DVD, On Demand, streaming and additional prints not yet distributed to theaters."
But Bud isn't the only one. William Grant & Sons are pretty steamed too.
They are the distributors of Stolichnaya Vodka in the U.S., and they claim that they also did not give permission to the studio and Zemeckis to use Stoli in the film, and even if they were asked, they wouldn't have given it to them anyway.
However, despite all of this, trademark licensing experts say that there's very little or nothing at all that companies can do to if their projects are used in a film, since courts have long ruled that products can be used in a film without corporate approval.