
Created by Kia T. BarbeeEvolve, a three part supernatural series about “about acceptance of self and responsibility seen through the eyes of a reluctant heroine,” centers around Donia Reyes, a sheltered teenager who inherits super abilities. 
If you are new to the series, catch episode one, titled “Abilities,” HERE, and episode two, titled “Birthday,” HERE. I have embedded episodes 3 (“Forced”), 4 (“Arrival”), and the finale episode 5 at the bottom of this post. 
In final episode 5, titled recognition, Ian gets into a bind and Donia meets the new foreign exchange student, Troi.”

See the series’ creator statement below:

“Huge thanks to the cast, crew and everyone who gave this series a chance by watching. I’m grateful and appreciative that the story was able to shine threw. Part One is just the beginning. Evolve has a lot of life in her and as I take a short hiatus to make necessary upgrades in all areas, expect an eventful return… possible on another platform. To stay updated on Evolve Part Two/Three progress and news, Join the Evolve fanpage—the #1 source for all things Evolve. #Believe” – Kia Barbee



Twitter: @EvolveSeries