Two exes have an open, honest and emotional conversation about what caused them to break off their engagement and why they don’t have any plans of reuniting in a recent episode of The Skin Deep on Aug. 4.

During The Skin Deep series, which features people having difficult and in-depth conversations, Annalisa and Jeron shared that the two broke up after Annalisa decided to choose her dancing career over their relationship. While Annalisa says she finds joy in dancing, Jeron said it’s something he doesn’t agree with, but would never ask her to choose between their relationship and her career.

At the beginning of the 20-minute episode, Annalisa reminisced on one of her favorite memories when they took a trip to the Dominican Republic and Jeron proposed to her.

“We literally woke up together, we went on a plane together, we had fun, we got lit, you got more lit than me on the last night. Especially the first night when we were walking on the beach that was super romantic, dinner was romantic. Even though it was hot, I was irritated but I was hot and hungry, but we still had a great time in the DR,” he said. 

Jeron then shared with her something he had been hesitant to say.

“Sometimes I want to ask you how you’re doing. But, I don’t because I just don’t. I feel like if I do that, it would just draw me back in, in a way and I just feel like we, our paths won’t align as well as they used to be because we’re living two different lifestyles,“ he said.

Annalisa then shared what she learned from their relationship and what she plans to take into her next one.

“I’ve definitely learned to be open and honest,” she said.

“No matter what the circumstances is, no matter what it is, just be open and honest. Definitely talk more through the emotions, instead of fighting it. I have to remember that I’m in a relationship and not that I can’t put myself first or whatever the case may be, but the selfishness at the time was wrong, so I’ve learned to definitely differentiate when it’s time for me to be selfish.”

Jeron then discussed why he thinks it’s best they don’t rekindle their romantic relationship.

“I’ve considered it, but I told myself that I can’t. Reason being because again two different lifestyles, you’re doing something that I won’t be able to handle because of the past and what you showed me that I can’t really trust you with that,” he said.

Annalisa responded and said that she, too, considered reuniting but had second thoughts.

“The same reason you just said, the lifestyle I have right now, I feel like it’s not for you…you know how I feel about dancing. It’s something that I love very much, so it is fair enough for that to be the reason for us to not get back together.” 

She then asked Jeron if this were the last time they spoke, what would he want her to know? 

“I love you," Jeron said. "I will always love you no matter what. It was really tough breaking up, it was really tough being without you. It’s just I came to an understanding that sometimes it’s like that. Sometimes two people can love each other very much, but the love will always be there, but they just, they won’t be able to find that mutual ground to keep things going. I think that’s where we are.”

He added that he appreciates the time they spent together and will forever cherish the things that she’s done for him.