
The past week or so has been saddled with editing. More editing than I’ve done in quite some time. We’ve got a ton of content from the 30+ interviews we’ve already done in NYC and for people to really understand what they’re supporting with “Click Here”, we want to show them as much of that content as possible. 

Below are a few of the snippets I’ve cut that can give you a glimpse into what “Click Here: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Making Movies” is really all about. 

Dorian Missick (actor) talks about the way agents and managers approach the changing industry. Reed Romano (cinematographer) discusses the challenges of shooting digital and why she prefers film. Franchesca Ramsey (digital content creator) shows the type of equipment she uses en route to millions of views on YouTube. 

The biggest crowdfunding lesson I’ve learned thus far is that it’s REALLY about spreading the content far and wide in hopes of building the LARGEST AUDIENCE possible for your film. As more and more people see what you’ve got, you increase the possibility of people supporting financially. It can’t just be “virtual panhandling”, as I like to call it, and we’ve got a great team of interns now on board to help with the “word spread”.

So, if you like what you see, please share and visit our campaign page for more details about the film. We’re at 11% and need your help to reach our goal.

Another thing we’ve learned is the specific “ask” can be a helpful guide as sometimes it’s just really overwhelming to sift through all of the content that lives on a crowdfunding page for ANY project. We’ve had success asking for people to contribute $25 and ask 5 of their friends to do the same.

This film is all about the people out there already (or who need a kick in the ass) to STOP WORRYING and go make their movie. Or webseries. Or TV show. It doesn’t matter…just do it! Spread the word to anyone you know looking to work smarter as a creative storyteller and anyone looking to find out where all this great content exists. 

And, oh yeah, please contribute if you like what we’re doing and wanna see us travel to Los Angeles, San Francisco and the next SXSW Film Festival for another 80+ interviews.
Pete Chatmon
Director, “Click Here: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Making Movies”