
If you’ve ever woken up late and rushed to get ready, you know the importance of prioritizing what you do. Get dressed first or brush your teeth? Let folks know you’re running late now or do as much as you can to get out the door and call later? With 16 days remaining on this campaign, what’s become crucial is maximizing our time and effort to give us the best potential to meet our goal.

I’ve cut 57 different videos — snippets and “drops” — that show people the type of content we’ve been compiling. We’ve been sharing that far and wide via Twitter and Facebook letting people know that their support of “Click Here” is really supporting creatives who tell visual stories and the audiences that want to find that content. We’re also doing weekly newsletters to our various lists.

We’ve taken the time to craft a variety of tweets related to our content so we don’t have to think about our 140 characters every time we sit down. To return to the analogy at the top, it’s kinda like picking out your clothes before you go to bed so there’s one less thing to worry about in the morning.

Maintaining a constant vigil on social media really does yield results, but with a gap of about $33,000 to cover in 16 days (we get the “greenlight” at 80% of our goal or $40,000) it’s going to be important that we have success with our higher level rewards. The one that’s secured the most interest is our 50% off a Marketing Video that I will direct for the contributor. Basically, $7,500 secures a $15,000 video at the same level of production I’ve been doing for clients like Vespa, General Mills, McDonald’s and The Salvation Army and the recipient has until September 2014 to finalize the concept with me. It’s ambitious, but that’s why we’re filmmakers. And if there were 4 people/companies to take advantage of this, we’re pretty much there.

So, we push on. And ask for your support in spreading the word and contributing what you can:

One thing we know for sure is that we’re not smart enough to know everything, so we’re constantly seeing what we can learn from everyone we come in contact with. 
I’ll leave you with a couple snippets, one from Producer Ron Simons and Jeremy Boxer, the Creative Director of Film & Video and Vimeo.

The next two weeks will be interesting. And whether it’s a crowdfunding campaign or just a “regular” day — be sure to make it count. 

Pete Chatmon
Director, “Click Here: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Making Movies”