Often when an article is posted on this site that expresses an opinion, which happens regularly – especially a *strong* opinion, or one that's not all-that popular – I inevitably get emails from readers questioning my intent, or the site's intent, and/or suggesting what they feel the site should or should not be, or should or should not say, etc – seemingly attempting to deter any further opinion pieces that express a particular point of view, or take a specific stance on an issue.
Let me first say that, no work of art, or artist is above analysis or criticism.
And secondly, you should all know that YOUR article submissions are more than welcome.
While I certainly run this site, my opinion on all the subjects covered is of no influence on every article that's posted on this site – except those that I personally write. That is to say, we (S&A) aren't a single mind, with a single POV, and don't operate like The Borg in Star Trek: The Next Generation (for those who watched that series), and I think the variety in what is written on the site reflects that.
Surprise – we don't all agree everything! I'm sure Sergio doesn't agree with every opinion I state, nor do I agree with every perspective he gives; the same goes for Courtney, Emmanuel, Vanessa, Tanya, Andre, Cybel, Curtis, Charles, Masha, Jasmin, Nijla, and everybody else who contributes to this site. We are a collection of writers with individual minds, thoughts and opinions, and it's that diversity in voices, as well as writing styles, that I think makes this site tick (at least, in part).
It should all go without saying, but it appears that it's not entirely clear to everyone, if the emails I receive weekly are any indication.
And while I run the site, and don't always agree with every single point of view, I DO recognize each person's right to express that POV on this site, no matter what that POV is.
And if you disagree, instead of attempting to suppress a particular kind of conversation/discussion/debate/critique, you are more than welcome to challenge it – whether in the comment section or, as I started out this post stating, by writing and submitting a rebuttal, and I'll post it.
Or you can always tackle a new topic that you feel needs to be addressed and hasn't.
Just be ready for what comes after. If you're a regular reader of this site, you'll know exactly what I mean. I'd say we have some of the smartest, toughest, most vocal readers of any site on the web, and so if you aren't thick-skinned, this may not be your playground.
In fact, some of those who have contributed to the site were initially readers of the site who, at some point, answered one of my calls for writer submissions.
This is anothet call… So, let 2013 be the year that you make S&A work more for you. In essence, think of it as an open community space. All POVs welcome (within reason, of course – so, for example, if the title of the piece you submit is "Kill Whitey," don't be too shocked if it's not posted, unless it's some kind of satirical jab).
Also worth noting, throughout the year, I plan to continue to intro new features on this site, like the entertainment law column, which was announced last night, just below this post (I hope you all take advantage of that).
Happy New Year!