There is nothing more empowering and uplifting than women owning their femininity. You might have seen this on a surface level with all this #blackgirlmagic being thrown in the air like pixie dust.
Women often revel in knowing we are brilliant, strong and equal to men. Rarely do we bask in knowing our sexuality is one of our greatest utilities.
Gone are the days when shut-eyed men and women are allowed to project their petty perspectives onto sexually-liberated women as truth. Sex is how we all got here! It’s not only a tool for procreation, it’s also a tool for healing and manifestation. Woke women do not seek validation or permission to be overflowing with sexual bliss. Orgasms keep us sane, healthy, happy and whole.
Love coach and expert, Kenya K. Stevens of Jujumama graces us with her wisdom and reminds us why sexually liberated women are so dope!