The coronavirus crisis has got us all feeling on edge. If you’ve been needing some relief from anxiety and need a laugh, check out these four hilarious moments from Patti LaHelle’s popular YouTube parody reality show series, Got 2B Real.

1. Patti LaBelle and Aretha Franklin’s feud

In episode one of season one, we are introduced to the feud that dominates the entire Got 2B Real series, the rivalry between Patti LaBelle and Aretha Franklin. Watch how hilariously petty the parodies of these iconic divas can be to each other. “Aretha, just because I have on a watch, don’t assume I have time for your bullsh*t,” will always be iconic!

2. Whitney Houston calling into the meetings and never showing up to events

One of the running jokes that developed during the series was Whitney Houston being too high-falutin’ to show up to any of the diva gatherings, choosing to phone in instead. One of the funniest iterations of the joke is when she calls into a meeting the divas are having about the VMAs. Instead of listening to the conversations, Houston makes all the conversations about her and her experiences. The best line: “Thank you for listening, thank me for speaking.”

3. Dionne Warwick vs. Aretha Franklin

One of the best characters in the series is Dionne Warwick, who is written as being another diva who is feuding with Franklin. In the finale of the first season, Warwick finally (and hilariously) explains why she has given Franklin the nickname “Hateretha.”

4. Maya Angelou artfully shading the divas

One of the funniest parts of the second season is when Maya Angelou comes on the show to talk about the divas’ performances at Whitney Houston’s funeral. Like the masterful poet she is, Angelou shades the divas in the nicest nice-nasty way possible. An extra bonus in this episode, though, is a surprise showing from Houston in Heaven, giving the diva a heart-warming send-off and one final speech about how no other diva could compare. “Take comfort in knowing that every time you open your mouths to sing, the public will miss me even more.” RIP, Nippy!

Which Got 2B Real moment is your favorite?


The Real ‘Got 2B Real’: Patti LaBelle Says She’s Making A Film About ‘People Who Dissed’ Her


Photo: Patti LaHelle/YouTube


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