Shatter, a new Decepticon voiced by Angela Bassett, leads the charge in an early Comic-Con first look image from the upcoming Transformers spin-off film Bumblebee. Entertainment Weekly posted the news first.

Shatter, a red Plymouth Satellite, is one of two new Decepticon characters, trackers who are searching for Bumblebee as he hides out with a teenage mechanic (Hailee Steinfeld). Shatter’s tracker partner, Dropkick, a blue AMC Javelin, is voiced by Justin Theroux.

There’s also another Decepticon who can fly, but the identity and voice actor are still secrets yet to be revealed.

Bumblebee, a prequel to the Transformers franchise and set in 1987, is directed by Travis Knight, who helmed Laika Animation’s Kubo and the Two Strings. The film will be in theaters December 21.
