Described as a claustrophobic thriller, "Default," centers on the hijacking of an American news crew’s chartered jet off the coast of Seychelles by Somali pirates, and stars David Oyelowo as Atlas, leader of plane hijackers/pirates, who is driven by one goal – to be interviewed by a prominent member of the crew, legendary journalist Frank Saltzman. And for the sake of his colleagues, Saltzman agrees to the demand before realizing they are immersed in a deadly battle that questions personal beliefs and the nature of fear.
With a script penned by Jim Wolfe Jr. and Dan Bence, "Default" also stars Greg Callahan, Katherine Moennig, and Stephen Lord.
Senyo Amoaku, Benjamin Ochieng, Mohamed Dione, Kamal Moummad, Peres Owino and Karim Ndiaye round out the cast.
"It’s a Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity-style film… you really feel like you’re there… We saw the film and fell for it immediately – it sort of came out of nowhere. CAA, which is handling North America, thinks it will be the standout pic at Sundance,” said Wild Bunch’s sales chief Vincent Maraval.
It’s former music video director Simon Brand’s 3rd feature film.
Here’s more about the film, courtesy of Wild Bunch:
What at first seems to be a simple ransom demand slowly becomes something much more. The hijackers, led by a mysterious Somali pirate known only as Atlas, want to tape an interview with the crew’s legendary newsman, Frank Saltzman. For the sake of his comrades Saltzman agrees, but quickly finds himself engaged in a deadly battle of wits with his powerfully intelligent captor.The more Saltzman tries to uncover the hijacker’s true intentions, the more he finds himself revealing his own inner heart of darkness. And as the outside world’s attempts to engage the hijackers are thwarted at every turn, the hostages realize they have only themselves to rely on if they are to survive.
Watch an international trailer for "Default" below. A USA-release cut will debut in a few days, and will also be shared here. Key poster art, just released, is embedded above: