Howard men’s basketball’s annual Day of Service is a special time for the team. Every year the Howard men’s basketball team honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a “day of service.” As King would want it, the team looks beyond themselves and the sport they love to give back to their community. This year, the team was privileged to highlight and advocate for Black maternal health in Washington, D.C.
UNINTERRUPTED has chronicled this day of service in a new 12-minute documentary. In this candid look at the day of service, we’re introduced to the ladies of the Mamatoto Village, an on the ground organization that helps gives Black mothers resources during pregnancy and postpartum.

With women’s rights being in a precarious position in this country, it was important for this organization to be highlighted. When UNINTERRUPTED caught wind of this initiative, they needed to be a part of it. It’s their mission to constantly show that athletes are more than just their physical gifts. They have a duty to the families and communities they come from.

Check out UNINTERRUPTED’s Howard Men’s Basketball Day of Service documentary below. And feel free to donate to Mamatoto Village and help Black mothers.