Hailed by many as one of the year’s strongest films Shaka King’s Judas and The Black Messiah has earned rave reviews for its depiction of Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton, informant William O’Neal, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Now, a Tennessee congressman is taking steps to course-correct Hoover’s place in American history.

After seeing the film, U.S. House Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced a bill to strip J. Edgar Hoover’s name from the FBI building in Washington, DC, according to Deadline.

In Judas and The Black Messiah, Hoover, as played by Martin Sheen, is shown coordinating surveillance on Black Panther and civil rights leaders, even going as far to express that he wants Hampton “neutralized.”

As stated by Cohen, “The movie is a clear depiction of [Hoover’s] efforts to impeded the civil rights movement.” Cohen also said Hoover “doesn’t deserve the honor and recognition of having the nation’s premiere law enforcement agency headquarters named for him. The civil rights we enjoy today are in spite of J. Edgar Hoover, not because of him.”

Judas and the Black Messiah is in select theaters and will be on HBO Max for a few more days.