"Maya Angelou And Still I Rise"From co-directors Bob Hercules and Rita Coburn Whack comes the feature-length documentary, "Maya Angelou And Still I Rise," which, as the synopsis states, will tell "the remarkable story of Maya Angelou – iconic writer, poet, actress and activist whose life has intersected some of the most profound moments in recent American history."

The film is set to make its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival next month as part of the Documentary Premieres.

Previously titled "Maya Angelou: The People’s Poet," the film was one of 50 documentary features selected for the IFP’s esteemed Project Forum at Independent Film Week last year.

Of course, the new title comes from "And Still I Rise," Angelou’s third volume of poetry, published by Random House in 1978.

No trailer or much media released yet, except for a couple of images made available by Sundance, which you may have already seen.

"Maya Angelou And Still I Rise"