My parents migrated from Ethiopia to the US with hope for education and opportunity. Being a first generation American I never fit in or felt accepted culturally and socially. I was never African enough. I was never American enough. Two important questions that I have always wrestled with are: 1, what is my identity? And 2, where do I belong? The discovery of identity is an internal conflict within all of humanity and this propelled me to create a film project that would spark a global conversation on where we find our faith and hope as people.
“The Diaspora Journal” is a film and campaign to connect the world to African Diaspora culture, specifically the Ethiopian Diaspora through my journey as a filmmaker. From giving free taxi rides as a taxi cab’s assistant, to shining shoes in the streets of one of the fastest growing economic cities in the world, “The Diaspora Journal” reveals my experience in a day in the life of locals in Addis Ababa, while discovering identity, freedom and hope.
“The Diaspora Journal” is a film that demonstrates how our cultural, social and generational differences as people can bridge gaps and connect us as people.